Gita's OS202


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Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. System Security
    The website explains about security of a computer system. The explanations are pretty comprehensive and easy to understand. It explains about program threats, system threats, and the security measures taken to protect the system.

  2. Network Security and Types of Attacks in Network
    The article explains about network security and its types of attacks in an easy way. Things that are explained: mainly about network security, active attacks (spoofing, wormhole, denial of services, etc.), advanced attacks (black hole attack, rushing attack, byzantine attack, etc.).

  3. Types of Virus
    The website gives you simple explanations about various types of virus. A virus is a fragment of code embedded in a legitimate program. Virus are self-replicating and are designed to infect other programs. They can wreak havoc in a system by modifying or destroying files causing system crashes and program malfunctions.

  4. End-to-End Encryption
    The website explains about end-to-end encryption, which is a secure and private method of communication where the only people who can access the data are the sender and the intended recipient(s). Using end-to-end encryption prevents hackers or unwanted third parties from accessing messages or files on the server. The website tells you about how encryption works, why end-to-end encryption is important, uses of end-to-end encryption, the advantages of end-to-end encryption, and more!

  5. Public Key vs Private Key
    The website tells you about the difference between public key and private key, and more in public key. It tells you about how public key & private key works, the benefits of public key cryptography, the role of certificate authorities in public key cryptography, and more.

  6. Firewall in Computer Network
    A firewall is a network security device, either hardware or software-based, which monitors all incoming and outgoing traffic and based on a defined set of security rules it accepts, rejects or drops that specific traffic. The website explains about how firewall works, generations of firewall, and types of firewall.

  7. Digital Signature
    The website explains about what digital signature is, how digital signature works, uses of digital signature, and types of digital signature.

  8. Making and Verifying Signatures
    The GNU Privacy Handbook provided by The GNU Privacy Guard gives you a brief, easy to understand, and practical manual of making and verifying digital signatures.

  9. Access Matrix
    GeeksForGeeks gives you a good introductory explanation about Access Matrix in Operating System. Access Matrix is a security model of protection state in computer system. It is represented as a matrix. Access matrix is used to define the rights of each process executing in the domain with respect to each object.

  10. C Programming Language
    This book (the link above) is not about teaching you C programming. You’ll learn to write programs in C, but the most important lesson you’ll get from this book is rigorous defensive programming. (Zed A. Shaw)